I also own Titan AE and All Dogs Go to Heaven, but they are currently unavailable to be photographed. The Land Before Time 2 and The Land Before Time 3 are on the shelf and available for photographing, but neither are Bluth so they're going to go somewhere else.

Almost all of my tapes are secondhand, and neither of these are manufacture-dated - however, the sticker on the front of American Tail has a closing date of 1995, so I would reasonably assume the tape is from then as well. Both are playable and show minimal signs of degradation.

Picked this up for a dollar. Never watched it in full, just tested it was playable. From the 90 seconds I caught it looks just as beautiful and just as racist as everyone says. Dated 1992. Looks fine, with a few glitches (and I'm not sure those can't be explained by it being an NSTC tape in a PAL machine).

This thing photographed terribly for some reason. In person it looks like it's been spray-painted silver - also, is a weird rhombus shape that doesn't get across in photos. Not sure when this one is from exactly, but it was released in late 1993 and discontinued in early 1996, so sometime between then. I also have a few of the individual tapes from the US edition of this box, but, as with my other Bluths, they are also unavailable for showing at the minute. Apparently the US edition came with a gold Starfleet pin.

Haven't watched these movies in over a decade (will revisit when I've finished my current TOS rewatch). Tapes play fine, quality is noticeably better on Undiscovered Country vs TMP but that's probably just a case of different scans.

I nearly didn't get this tape, added it to the stack of Disney tapes I was buying as an afterthought. I usually open the boxes up to check for mold and specifically remember doing so with the other tapes I got the same day - for some reason I must've skipped this one, though, because I only found out about the weird spotted case weeks later when I decided to pop it into the VCR before bed. Wack

Really fun thrift store find. They also had season 2 part 2 and season 4 part 1, but I'll leave that for another time. I've never actually seen Buffy, and since these are still factory-sealed I'm hesitant to rip them open. Maybe someday though - if only to figure out if they just made a mistake in packaging the tapes upside down or if I'm failing the rotation IQ test here.

Got this for my birthday and couldn't even figure out what the hell it was at first - it's a collection of films with Ray Harryhausen effects! Incredibly cool idea for a set. According to the eBay listing none of them have even been played except Jason and the Argonauts, so they should be in really nice condition (probably. hopefully). I watched Snow White instead of testing them though so stay tuned